Automation and Innovation

How Our Automation process Enhances Efficiency and Reduces Waste

Our Automated systems can swiftly spot and flag packaging problems, like leaky packages, right after production, enabling prompt resolution. This proactive monitoring approach ultimately leads to decreased rework, less material wastage, and potentially less food waste if a compromised package is identified and addressed before shipment, rejection, or return.
Furthermore, automation eliminates the guesswork involved in determining the right quantity of protective materials to use. This results in reduced waste from over-packing and decreased damage due to under-packing. While labor shortages and associated costs remain a persistent challenge, automation also contributes to labor optimization by making processes more predictable and efficient.
Ultimately, automation introduces consistency and predictability, which, in turn, aids in waste reduction and the conservation of various resources.

Automation Mitigates Sustainability Tradeoffs

Traditionally, companies have had to grapple with tradeoffs when implementing sustainable solutions, particularly in the realm of materials. Some sustainable options may incur higher costs, offer lower performance compared to cheaper alternatives, or fall short in terms of aesthetic appeal. Our Automation methods can mitigate these tradeoffs and provide the best of both worlds by streamlining processes for greater efficiency, reducing costs, all without compromising packaging performance or the brand experience.

Automation for Waste Elimination

We identified that its crucial to evaluate the operational requirements of your business and implement automation solutions at an appropriate scale. Just as choosing the right-sized truck ensures that you use the right amount of resources for your cargo requirements, investing in appropriately sized and scaled automation facilitates efficient resource utilization across various processes. Both approaches aim to prevent overconsumption or wasteful resource utilization.
Investing in automation solutions that match your needs in terms of size and scale can reduce errors, scrap, rework, and other forms of waste by optimizing processes and minimizing inefficiencies. Similarly, selecting the right-sized truck helps avoid the unnecessary waste of resources, such as fuel, maintenance, and operational expenses, by aligning the truck’s size with the specific load requirements.